With 25 years of experience as a dental hygienist in the human health care industry, Dr. Morris brings a level of dental expertise to our practice not often seen in veterinary medicine. Not only is she trained in advanced surgical extraction techniques; she also has an in-depth knowledge of oral health and disease processes that places our practice at the forefront of preventive medicine. She is able to apply techniques from human dentistry such as root planing, gingival curettage and splinting to save teeth that otherwise may be extracted. She is also able to perform dental bonding with light cured resins as well as intraoral dental x-rays. She is an expert in proper toys for our pets' oral cavities and adds pocket depth measurements, subgingival irrigation and fluoride treatments to all dental cleanings. Our dental equipment is human quality and we are always available to demonstrate oral care techniques and discuss the latest in oral health care products for your pets.